Showing 61–71 of 71 results
Umbrella€60.00Hand in handA romantic walk, two hands that touch each other in the rain and everything else disappears.
UP€155.00Traveling between dreams and memories I reviewed the animated film UP and stopped to look at Carl and Ellie’s house: it seems to be made of wood! Hence the idea of rebuilding it on the rotating base of one of my music boxes, held suspended between sky and earth by colored balloons and floating notes!
Vinyl€50.00A round of music!The vinyl record was introduced in 1948 by Columbia records in the United States as an evolution of the previous 78-rpm album, similar in features, made of shellac.
Vroom vroom€50.00Life is more fun if you play Which child hasn’t dreamt of driving a truck? I remember that, when I was a child, I used to spend hours and hours playing with my little truck and in my fantasy I would load it, unload it and drive it for real. This music box, made with the most regular and pure shapes that exist – rectangle and circle – brings me back to those happily endless hours.
We inform all passengers€50.00That a new life is arriving on platform oneBirth may be fantasized in so many ways. I like to think that an imaginary train could bring a new life and make parents and relatives happy. That’s why little trains are the subjects for party favours that I prefer to realize.
Zen€130.00Every season is for you a good seasonDesigned and created for a psychologist after visiting his office. The colours, the arrangement of objects on the furniture and the scents inspired an Asian theme. The tranquillity of the environment was the mirror of the professional’s passion for work. “Choose a work you love, and you won’t have to work not even a day in your life” Confucius.
Altalena€85.00Non tutti i supereroi hanno il mantello Carillon realizzato su richiesta di due madri torinesi da donare alla maestra dei propri bambini. Pura gratitudine per chi ha guidato i figli nei primi passi della vita!
L’uomo in frack€85.00Silenzio notturno “È giunta mezzanotte, si spengono i rumori, si spegne anche l'insegna di quell'ultimo caffè” Per la realizzazione di questo carillon – quadro mi sono ispirato al famoso brano di Domenico Modugno dove il silenzio fa da cornice alle strade notturne della città…
Libera di crescere€90.00… insegnate soltanto la magia della vita “Non insegnate ai bambini ma coltivate voi stessi il cuore e la mente stategli sempre vicini date fiducia all'amore il resto è niente” Giorgio Gaber
Petali musicali€80.00tocco d'amore C'è chi chiede a una margherita se un amore è corrisposto, io invece ho chiesto a un fiore di suonare...eccovi il carillon_quadro: Petali musicali!
Rotazione solare€85.00Scia luminosa Sarà il sole a girare intorno al faro o il contrario? Seguite le note musicali che diventano raggi e illuminano il faro dando così vita a una danza estiva.